Accepted as a community of practice by Universities South Africa
Registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation
Listed on the National Central Suppliers Database
Registered with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation
NPO no: 078-484
List of Disability Unit contact details at Universities in South Africa
Stellenbosch University
021 808 4707
Tshwane University of Technology
012 382 4130
University of Cape Town
021 650 2427
University of Fort Hare
040 602 2011
University of Johannesburg
011 559 3745
University of KwaZulu-Natal
011 260 3665
University of Limpopo
015 268 2495
University of Mpumalanga
013 002 0001
University of Pretoria
012 420 2064
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
021 953 8438
Central University of Technology
051 507 3154
Durban University of Technology
033 845 8835
Mangosuthu University of Technology
031 907 7185
Nelson Mandela University
041 504 4652
North-West University
016 910 3192
Rhodes University
046 603 8181
Sol Plaatje University
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
University of South Africa
011 471 3196
University of the Free State
051 401 3713
University of the Western Cape
021 959 4170
University of the Witwatersrand
011 717 9151
University of Venda
015 962 8018
University of Zululand
035 902 6346
Vaal University of Technology
016 950 9584
Walter Sisulu University
043 708 5370